Wednesday 5 December 2012

First diabetic appointment, American style

So I have survived Pauls first business trip away, as have the boys (just......)

I had my first diabetic appointment at the endocrinologists department.  A small building over the way from one of the hospitals.  It was scheduled for 9am, but in the letter I received it asked me to be there 20 minutes early, so I could fill in the paperwork,  the same paperwork they sent me with the letter.  As I had school runs to do, I didn't make it till 8.50.  Walked in, nice and quiet.  Went to reception desk to check in, all good.

I was called at 9.03. Woohooo a medical centre that appears to run on time.  Michelle (a healthcare practitioner) took me through, weighed me (125 pounds), then took me in to a consulting room.  She did my blood pressure (120/70) then started going through my notes.  She was very thorough, and very understanding.  I currently measure in millimoles, they use a different unit of measurement (milligrams per decimeter).  Luckily I didn't manage to confuse her too much.

Then the nurse practitioner Elaine came in.  She went through my notes, asked me some other questions about my blood sugar levels, my carbs to insulin ratio and my exercise regime.  She was pleased that I halve my insulin with dinner before I exercise, but also warned me about house work and running after the boys and how it may bring me lower.  I did already know this, but never really give it much thought.  She also told me that when I drink alcohol, after 2 drinks my blood sugar starts dropping, which I did not realise.  She has decided to give me a new meter, which is cool, and she is happy that I have what is called a junior pen for my rapid insulin, as it has half units on it.  She also checked my feet.  Apparently because I have hairy toes (gross, I know) it means my circulation in my feet is good.  This can be a major problem for diabetics.  She has also offered to put me on an insulin pump.  I am going to look into this and give it some thought.  She said it may make my life easier because of running around after small boys.

Michelle came back with my new meter, and set it up for me.  It has the time and date, so when I do my reads they will be exact.  She also gave me a lovely large prescription. As I have a new meter I need new lancets, and new testing strips.  This prescription may cost a small fortune, but at least we can claim it back (thank you BMW)

These ladies were awesome, I am looking forward to having my diabetes well taken care off.  I just have to keep up my part of the bargain and monitor more often.  As I was checking out, the receptionist called Elaine the 'Sargent', I can see why, and I really don't want to cross her.  My diabetes monitoring IS going to improve, I WILL get my next A1C (3 monthly read of blood sugars) to below 120ml/dc (7 mmol).

My next appointment is 11th January.  This is with the dietician.  I look forward to going and moaning about how much sugar there is in all the food out here.......

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